A Priest from Norway – The Venerable Karl M. Schilling, CRSP




A Priest From Norway – The Venerable Karl Schilling by Singrid Undset, translated by the Barnabite Fathers. A short biography of the Venerable Barnabite Father who gave up a promising career as an artist, casting his tools of his craft into the sea, to be come a Roman Catholic religious priest. A story of conversion, perseverance and love. Fr. Schilling entered religious life later in life but courageously followed his vocation overcoming many obstacles. Original was written by Sigrid Unset (1882-1949), a Nobel Prize Winner in Literature (1928). This version is the English translation of the Italian edition prepared by Bishop Andrea M. Erba, CRSP. Book is 52 pages, 4.25 X 7″ 7 monochrome illustrations. Published in 1976 by the North American Voice of Fatima.

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Weight 3 oz